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The Road to Eleusis

192 pages, 2008


In this groundbreaking book, three experts—a mycologist, a chemist, and a historian—argue persuasively that the sacred potion given to participants during the ritual at Eleusis contained a psychoactive entheogen. 

The authors then expand their discussion to show that natural psychedelic agents have been used in spiritual rituals across history and cultures. Although controversial when first published in 1978, their hypothesis has become more widely accepted recently as knowledge of ethnobotany has deepened.

 The authors have played critical roles in the modern rediscovery of entheogens, and The Road to Eleusis presents an authoritative exposition of their views.

Exploring Ancient Mysteries

In 'The Road to Eleusis', R. Gordon Wasson takes us on a journey to explore the ancient mysteries of the Eleusinian Mysteries. He digs deep into the rituals and practices of this ancient Greek cult, giving us a glimpse into a fascinating part of history.

Psychedelics and Spirituality

Wasson presents a compelling argument that the ancient Greeks used a psychedelic brew in their religious rituals. This book will make you see the connection between psychedelics and spirituality in a whole new light.

The Power of Myths

The book shows how myths and rituals can have profound effects on human consciousness. It's a great read if you're interested in understanding the power of myths and how they shape our world.

Scientific Approach to History

What sets this book apart is the author's scientific approach to history. He doesn't just tell us what happened, but also why and how it happened. You'll find yourself drawn into his research and the conclusions he draws from it.

A New Perspective on Ancient Cultures

The Road to Eleusis will give you a new perspective on ancient cultures. It's not just about the past, but also about how understanding the past can help us make sense of the present. So, take a look at this book if you're ready to see history in a new light.

Quotes 3

The Road to Eleusis presents a fascinating exploration of the ancient mysteries, a profound journey into the roots of human consciousness.

Albert HofmannAlbert Hofmann - Discovering LSD

Wasson's work in The Road to Eleusis is a groundbreaking revelation, a key to understanding the psychedelic experience in a historical context.

Terence McKennaTerence McKenna - Ethnobotanist, Psychonaut

The Road to Eleusis is a seminal work, a testament to the power of the human mind and its capacity for transcendence.

Carl A. P. RuckCarl A. P. Ruck - Classics Scholar
Albert HofmannTerence McKennaCarl A. P. Ruck


Stanislav Grof, educator and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Stanislav Grof


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