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The Record of the Paper


In the 2004 New York Times article “Letters to the Editor: An Apology,” the newspaper finally apologized for its coverage of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. The newspaper had supported the invasion, and it was too late for it to make amends.

 The Bush administration had violated international law and lied to the public, using major media like the Times to spread its message. Howard Friel and Richard Falk demonstrate how this newspaper of record has consistently misreported facts related to wars over 50 years—from Vietnam in the 1960s to Nicaragua in the 1980s and Iraq today. They accuse this newspaper of serial distortions that threaten not only the world legal order but also constitutional democracy in the United States.

Understanding the Role of Media

In The Record of the Paper, Richard A. Falk explores the role of media in shaping public opinion. He emphasizes the power of media and its influence on our perception of reality. It's a great read if you're interested in understanding how media can manipulate public opinion.

Media's Influence on War

Falk digs into how media has been used as a tool to justify wars. He provides a detailed analysis of how media was used to shape public opinion during the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. This book will make you see the role of media in war in a new light.

Critical Analysis of the New York Times

The Record of the Paper is not just about media in general, but specifically takes a look at the New York Times. Falk critically analyzes the Times' coverage of major global events, revealing its biases and the impact they have on readers.

Media's Role in Democracy

Falk's book also explores the role of media in a democratic society. He argues that media should serve as a check on power, but often fails to do so. This book will make you rethink the role of media in democracy.

Media Literacy

One of the key takeaways from The Record of the Paper is the importance of media literacy. Falk encourages readers to question what they read and see in the media. This book is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their media literacy skills.


authorNoam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky


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