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The Rap Year Book

240 pages, 2015


Shea Serrano's The Rap Year Book takes readers on a journey that begins in 1979, widely regarded as the moment rap became recognized as part of the cultural and musical landscape, and comes to the present. Serrano deftly pays homage to the most important song of each year. 

He also examines the most decisive moments that surround the history and culture of rap music—from artists' backgrounds to issues of race, the rise of hip-hop, and the struggles among its major players—both personal and professional. 

Covering East Coast and West Coast rappers, famous feuds between artists, chart-topping hits, and showstoppers from that genre, The Rap Year Book is an in-depth look at one of America's most influential genres of music today.

Understanding Rap's Evolution

Shea Serrano's The Rap Year Book takes you on a journey through the evolution of rap music. From its roots in the 1970s to the present day, you'll get to see how this genre has changed and grown over the years.

Appreciating Rap's Cultural Impact

The book doesn't just explore the music, it also digs into the cultural impact of rap. It shows how rap has influenced society and shaped conversations around race, politics, and identity.

Discovering Rap's Icons

The Rap Year Book is also a great way to learn about the icons of rap music. From Biggie and Tupac to Jay-Z and Kanye, you'll get to know the artists who have left an indelible mark on the genre.

Exploring Rap's Best Songs

Each chapter in the book is dedicated to what Serrano considers the most important rap song of the year, from 1979 to 2014. It's a great way to discover or revisit some of the best tracks in the genre.

Engaging with Rap's Debates

The book also sparks debates about the genre. Serrano doesn't shy away from controversial topics, encouraging readers to engage with the discussions that surround rap music.


Quotes 3

The Rap Year Book is a must-read for any hip-hop fan. It's smart, funny, and insightful.

Lin-Manuel MirandaLin-Manuel Miranda - Composer, Lyricist, Actor

Shea Serrano's The Rap Year Book is a brilliant and engaging exploration of rap's cultural progression.

QuestloveQuestlove - Musician, DJ, Journalist

The Rap Year Book is a fascinating and comprehensive journey through the history of rap music.

John MayerJohn Mayer - Singer-Songwriter, Guitarist
Lin-Manuel MirandaQuestloveJohn Mayer


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