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The QBQ! Workbook
160 pages, 2016
QBQ! The Question Behind the Question, now a classic bestselling guide celebrating 15 years in print, addresses the most important issue in business and society today: personal accountability.
This brand-new workbook and study guide will take you deeper into the material, allowing you to explore and absorb how to replace blame, complaining, and procrastination with personal accountability, by asking the simple questions like:
"What can I do better next time?" Instead of "Who dropped the ball?" or "Why do we have to go through all these changes?", you will begin to ask "How can I improve this situation?" or "What can I contribute?"
John G. Miller emphasizes the importance of personal accountability in achieving success. He encourages readers to stop blaming others and start taking responsibility for their actions. This is a crucial step in personal and professional growth.
The QBQ! Workbook encourages readers to dig deeper into their thought process and ask the 'Question Behind the Question'. This means looking beyond the surface level and finding the root cause of problems. This approach can lead to more effective problem-solving.
Miller's book encourages proactive thinking. Instead of waiting for things to happen, he suggests taking the initiative and making things happen. This can be a game-changer in both personal and professional life.
The QBQ! Workbook encourages readers to focus on what they can do, rather than what they can't. This shift in perspective can lead to increased productivity and a more positive outlook on life.
The book is not just about theory, it's about practice. Miller provides practical exercises and real-life examples to help readers apply the principles of QBQ in their daily lives. This hands-on approach makes the book a valuable tool for personal development.