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The Outsider

128 pages, 2013


Meursault won't pretend. After the death of his mama, everyone is shocked when he shows no sadness. And when he commits an arbitrary act of violence in Algiers, society is thwarted. Why would this putative law-abiding bachelorette do such a thing? 

And why does he show no guilt indeed when it could save his life? His turn down to satisfy the passions of others only increases his guilt according to the law. 

Soon, Meursault discovers that he's being tried not simply for his crime, but for his lack of emotion- a response that condemns him for being a stranger. For Meursault, this is a personality to his reason and treason of his expedients; for Camus, it encapsulates the asininity of life. 

The Absurdity of Life

Albert Camus explores the concept of the absurdity of life in The Outsider. He suggests that life has no meaning and it's up to each individual to create their own purpose. This can be a liberating thought, encouraging you to find your own path in life.

Emotional Detachment

The protagonist, Meursault, is emotionally detached from the world around him. This detachment is a key theme in the book, and it's something you might want to look into. It can make you think about your own emotional connections and how they shape your life.


The Outsider is a great introduction to existentialism, a philosophy that emphasizes individual freedom, choice, and personal responsibility. If you're interested in exploring philosophical ideas, this book is a great place to start.

The Importance of Honesty

Camus highlights the importance of honesty in The Outsider. Even when society expects him to lie, Meursault remains truthful. This can inspire you to value honesty in your own life, even when it's difficult.

The Consequences of Indifference

The Outsider shows the consequences of indifference towards society's norms. Meursault's indifference leads to his downfall, which can make you think about the role of societal norms in your own life. It's worth checking out if you're interested in social dynamics.

Quotes 4

Camus' 'The Outsider' is a profound exploration of the human condition, a testament to the absurdity of life.

Jean-Paul SartreJean-Paul Sartre - Existentialism, Philosophy

Camus' 'The Outsider' is a masterpiece of existential literature, a work that challenges our perceptions of morality and freedom.

Harold BloomHarold Bloom - Literary Critic

In 'The Outsider', Camus brilliantly captures the existential angst of the modern man.

Susan SontagSusan Sontag - Writer, Filmmaker

'The Outsider' is a powerful exploration of the absurd, a novel that resonates with the existential dread of the human condition.

James WoodJames Wood - Literary Critic
Jean-Paul SartreHarold BloomSusan SontagJames Wood


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