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The Old Way


Elizabeth Marshall Thomas was nineteen when her father took his family to live among the Bushmen of the Kalahari. Fifty years later, after a life of writing and study, Thomas returns to her experiences with the Bushmen, one of the last hunter-gatherer societies on earth, and discovers among them an essential link to the origins of all human society. 

Humans lived for 1,500 centuries as roving clans, adapting daily to changes in environment and food supply, living for the most part like their animal ancestors. Those origins are not so easily abandoned, Thomas suggests, and our modern society has plenty still to learn from the Bushmen. Through her vivid, empathic account, Thomas reveals a template for the lives and societies of all humankind. 

Understanding the Bushmen

In The Old Way, Elizabeth Marshall Thomas takes us on a journey to explore the life of the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert. She provides a deep insight into their culture, traditions, and survival techniques, making us realize the richness of their ancient way of life.

Respect for Nature

The book encourages us to respect and learn from nature. The Bushmen's survival depends on their deep understanding and respect for the environment. They see themselves as part of the ecosystem, not as its masters. This is a lesson we can all learn from.

The Importance of Community

The Old Way shows us the importance of community and cooperation. The Bushmen rely on each other for survival, sharing resources and responsibilities. This sense of community is something that is often missing in our modern society.

The Value of Simplicity

Elizabeth Marshall Thomas shows us the value of simplicity through the Bushmen's lifestyle. They live with minimal possessions, yet they are content and fulfilled. This can inspire us to declutter our lives and focus on what truly matters.

The Threat of Modernization

The book also highlights the threat of modernization to indigenous cultures. The Bushmen's way of life is being eroded by the encroachment of modern society. This serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and respecting diverse cultures and traditions.

Quotes 3

Elizabeth Marshall Thomas's stunning account of the Bushmen of the Kalahari is a groundbreaking work on not just the people themselves but also the myriad complexities of their unique culture.

Richard WranghamRichard Wrangham - British Anthropologist

The Old Way is a rare and remarkable work, presenting an enlightening view of a society that has long been hidden from our view.

Jared DiamondJared Diamond - American Geographer

Elizabeth Marshall Thomas's The Old Way is a fascinating and insightful portrayal of the last of the world's hunter-gatherers, the Bushmen of the Kalahari.

Jane GoodallJane Goodall - Primatologist, Ethologist
Richard WranghamJared DiamondJane Goodall


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