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The Myth of the Spoiled Child
280 pages, 2016
A prominent and esteemed critic challenges widely held beliefs about children and parenting, revealing that underlying each myth is a deeply conservative ideology that is, ironically, often adopted by liberal parents. Somehow, a set of deeply conservative assumptions about children—what they’re like and how they should be raised—has congealed into the conventional wisdom in our society. Parents are accused of being both permissive and overprotective, unwilling to set limits and afraid to let their kids fail. Alfie Kohn systematically debunks these beliefs, not only challenging erroneous factual claims but also exposing the troubling ideology that underlies them. Complaints about pushover parents and coddled kids are hardly new, he shows, and there is no evidence that either phenomenon is especially widespread today—let alone more common than in previous generations. Moreover, new research reveals that helicopter parenting is quite rare and, surprisingly, may do more good than harm when it does occur. The major threat to healthy child development, Kohn argues, is parenting that is too controlling rather than too indulgent. With the same lively, contrarian style that marked his influential books about rewards, competition, and education, Kohn relies on a vast collection of social science data, as well as on logic and humor, to challenge assertions that appear with numbing regularity in the popular press and are often accepted uncritically, even by people who are politically liberal.
In The Myth of the Spoiled Child, Alfie Kohn challenges the widely held belief that children today are spoiled and entitled. He argues that this is a myth and encourages readers to dig deeper into the research and evidence.
Kohn explores the impact of different parenting styles on children's development. He suggests that authoritarian parenting can be harmful and advocates for a more democratic approach. This book will make you rethink your parenting strategies.
The author questions the role of competition in child development. He believes that fostering a competitive environment can lead to stress and anxiety in children. Instead, he promotes cooperation and collaboration as healthier alternatives.
Kohn emphasizes the importance of intrinsic motivation in children. He argues that rewards and punishments can undermine this motivation. So, take a look at how you can encourage your child to be self-motivated.
In The Myth of the Spoiled Child, he also addresses the misinterpretation of self-esteem. Kohn argues that self-esteem is not about feeling good about oneself all the time, but about having the resilience to handle failures and rejections. This book will help you see self-esteem in a new light.
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