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The Myth of the Nice Girl
224 pages, 2019
A candid guide for ambitious women who want to succeed without losing themselves in the process. In The Myth of The Nice Girl, Fran Hauser deconstructs the negative perception of niceness that many women struggle with in the business world. If women are nice, they are seen as weak and ineffective, but if they are tough, they are labeled a bitch.
Hauser proves that women don’t have to sacrifice their values or hide their authentic -personalities to be successful. Sharing a wealth of personal anecdotes and time-tested strategies, she shows women how to reclaim “nice” and sidestep regressive stereotypes about what a strong leader looks like.
Her accessible advice and hard-won wisdom detail how to balance being empathetic with being decisive, how to rise above the double standards that can box you in, how to cultivate authentic confidence that projects throughout a room, and much more.
In The Myth of the Nice Girl, Fran Hauser challenges the notion that being nice is a sign of weakness. She argues that kindness and empathy can actually be powerful tools in the business world. So, don't be afraid to show your softer side, it might just be your secret weapon.
Hauser explores the idea of finding a balance between kindness and strength. She believes that you can be both nice and assertive without compromising your values or career. It's all about setting boundaries and standing up for yourself in a respectful way.
Authenticity is a key theme in The Myth of the Nice Girl. Hauser encourages readers to be true to themselves and not to conform to societal expectations. She believes that authenticity leads to trust, which is crucial in any professional relationship.
Hauser emphasizes the importance of mentorship in career growth. She encourages readers to seek out mentors and to be mentors themselves. By sharing experiences and knowledge, we can all learn and grow together.
In the book, Hauser provides practical tips on how to negotiate effectively while still being nice. She believes that you can get what you want without being aggressive or manipulative. It's all about clear communication and understanding the other party's needs.
Quotes 3
Fran Hauser's 'The Myth of the Nice Girl' is a powerful guide for women who want to succeed without compromising their values or personality.
Fran Hauser's 'The Myth of the Nice Girl' is a game-changer for women in the business world. It's a must-read.
Fran Hauser's 'The Myth of the Nice Girl' is a powerful tool for women who want to succeed in their careers without losing their kindness.
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