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The Moral Landscape

320 pages, 2011


Sam Harris's first book, The End of Faith, ignited a worldwide debate about the validity of religion. In the aftermath, Harris discovered that most people – from religious fundamentalists to non-believing scientists – agree on one point: science has nothing to say about human values.

Indeed, our failure to address questions of meaning and morality through science has become the most common justification for religious faith. It is also the primary reason why so many secularists and religious moderates feel obligated to respect the hardened superstitions of their more devout neighbors.

In this explosive new book, Sam Harris tears down the wall between scientific facts and human values, arguing that most people are simply mistaken about the relationship between morality and the rest of human knowledge.

Harris urges us to think about morality in terms of human and animal well-being, viewing the experiences of conscious creatures as peaks and valleys on a moral landscape.  

Science and Morality

In The Moral Landscape, Sam Harris argues that science can and should be an authority on moral issues. He believes that many people think science has nothing to say on the subject of human values. But he disagrees and encourages readers to explore how science can shape our understanding of right and wrong.

Well-being as a Moral Compass

Harris suggests that human well-being should be the guiding principle of morality. He says that moral questions are really about the well-being of conscious creatures. So, if you're looking to find a moral compass, Harris suggests you should look into the science of human well-being.

Challenging Moral Relativism

The book challenges the idea of moral relativism, which is the belief that moral judgments are true or false only relative to some particular standpoint. Harris argues that there are objective truths about what leads to human flourishing, and we should research and dig into these truths to guide our moral decisions.

The Role of Religion

Sam Harris takes a critical look at the role of religion in morality. He argues that religious beliefs often create unnecessary divisions among people and can lead to harmful moral outcomes. If you're interested in the intersection of religion and morality, this book will give you a lot to think about.

The Future of Ethics

Harris envisions a future where science plays a more prominent role in determining our ethical and moral norms. He believes that as we learn more about the human brain and our behavior, we'll be better equipped to make moral decisions that promote human well-being. So, if you're curious about the future of ethics, you should definitely check out The Moral Landscape.

Quotes 4

Sam Harris breathes intellectual fire into the domain of morality. Traditional notions of right and wrong get a well-deserved shakeup in 'The Moral Landscape'.

Richard DawkinsRichard Dawkins - Evolutionary Biologist

Sam Harris's 'The Moral Landscape' is a fascinating exploration of morality and the mind. It's a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of science and ethics.

Steven PinkerSteven Pinker - Cognitive Psychologist

In 'The Moral Landscape', Sam Harris challenges us to think about morality in new and interesting ways. His arguments are compelling and thought-provoking.

Daniel DennettDaniel Dennett - Philosopher, Writer

Sam Harris's 'The Moral Landscape' is a tour de force that redefines the debate about morality and its relationship with science.

Lawrence KraussLawrence Krauss - Theoretical Physicist
Richard DawkinsSteven PinkerDaniel DennettLawrence Krauss


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