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The Meaning Revolution

368 pages, 2017


The vice president of leadership at LinkedIn claims that the biggest driver of motivation is the chance to serve a larger purpose beyond our careers and ourselves, rather than salary, benefits, bonuses, or other material incentives; companies that can successfully focus their people, their teams, and their culture around meaning outperform their competition. Fred Kofman's approach to leadership has little to do with the standard practices taught in business school and traditional books. 

Bringing together economics and business theory, communications and conflict resolution, family counseling, and mindfulness mediation, Kofman argues in The Meaning Revolution that our most deep-seated, unspoken, and universal anxiety stems from our fear that our life is being wasted--that the end of life will overtake us when our song is still unsung. Material incentives--salary and benefits--account for perhaps 15 percent of employees' motivation at work.  

The Power of Transcendent Goals

Fred Kofman emphasizes the importance of setting transcendent goals. These are goals that go beyond personal gain and focus on the greater good. They inspire and motivate people to work together and achieve more than they could individually. So, take a look at your goals and see if they are truly transcendent.

The Role of Authenticity

In The Meaning Revolution, Kofman explores the concept of authenticity. He believes that being true to oneself and others is a key factor in achieving success and fulfillment. So, check if you're being authentic in your interactions and decisions.

The Importance of Responsibility

Kofman stresses the importance of taking responsibility for our actions. He argues that blaming others or circumstances for our failures won't lead to growth or improvement. So, take a moment to reflect on how you handle responsibility in your life.

The Value of Conscious Business

The book encourages us to explore the idea of conscious business. This means running a business with a focus on ethics, responsibility, and creating value for all stakeholders. If you're in business, it's worth researching this concept further.

The Impact of Leadership

Lastly, Kofman digs into the role of leadership in creating meaningful work. He believes that leaders should inspire their teams with a shared vision and purpose. So, if you're a leader, take a look at how you can create more meaning in your team's work.

Quotes 3

Fred Kofman's The Meaning Revolution is a masterful and pioneering blueprint for how to generate a sense of purpose to inspire and connect employees.

Reid HoffmanReid Hoffman - LinkedIn Co-Founder

Fred Kofman's The Meaning Revolution is a powerful tool for redefining organizational culture and inspiring both individual and collective growth.

Sheryl SandbergSheryl Sandberg - Facebook COO

The Meaning Revolution by Fred Kofman is a thought-provoking exploration of leadership's next frontier: leading with purpose and values.

Daniel PinkDaniel Pink - Bestselling Author
Reid HoffmanSheryl SandbergDaniel Pink


authorReid Hoffman, entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Reid Hoffman

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