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The Long Peace

352 pages, 1989


In this fascinating new interpretation of Cold War history, John Lewis Gaddis focuses on how the United States and the Soviet Union have managed to get through more than four decades of Cold War confrontation without going to war with one another. 

Using recently-declassified American and British documents, Gaddis argues that the postwar international system has contained previously unsuspected elements of stability. 

This provocative reassessment of contemporary history--particularly as it relates to the current status of Soviet-American relations--will certainly generate discussion, controversy, and important new perspectives on both past and present aspects of the age in which we live. 

Understanding the Cold War

In The Long Peace, John Lewis Gaddis explores the dynamics of the Cold War. He provides a deep understanding of the strategies and tactics used by both sides. It's a great read if you want to dig into the history of this era.

The Concept of 'Long Peace'

Gaddis introduces the concept of 'Long Peace', a period of relative calm in the international system. He argues that this peace was maintained through a balance of power and mutual deterrence. This book will help you understand how peace can be achieved in a world full of conflicts.

Insight into International Relations

The book offers a unique perspective on international relations. Gaddis explains how nations interact with each other and how their actions can lead to peace or war. If you're interested in politics or international relations, you should definitely check out this book.

The Role of Nuclear Weapons

Gaddis discusses the role of nuclear weapons in maintaining peace during the Cold War. He suggests that the threat of mutual destruction prevented the superpowers from going to war. This book will make you see nuclear weapons in a new light.

Lessons from History

The Long Peace is not just a history book. It's a guide that helps us learn from the past. Gaddis shows how the lessons of the Cold War can be applied to current and future conflicts. If you're looking to learn from history, this book is a must-read.


authorNoam Chomsky, educator and scientist, Recommending BestBooks

Noam Chomsky


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