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The Little Bitcoin Book
115 pages, 2019
You've really heard about Bitcoin on the news or eavesdropped on your musketeers or associates talking about it. What causes the price to change so important? Is Bitcoin a sound fiscal investment? What's the point of it?
Why do people keep talking about it as if it will make the world a better place? The Little Bitcoin Book explains why Bitcoin was created to give volition to the present system and what's wrong with the plutocrat moment. It explains what Bitcoin is, how it works, why it's important, and how it affects people's particular freedom and occasion across the world, from Nigeria to the Philippines, Venezuela to the United States.
This book also contains a Q&A section with answers to some of the most common Bitcoin queries. This book is for you if you want to learn further about this new kind of plutocrat that's gaining fashionability and relinquishment throughout the world.
Bitcoin Collective explains Bitcoin as a decentralized digital currency, free from government control. It's a new way of handling money that gives power back to the people. You'll get to explore the concept of Bitcoin and how it works in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.
The book takes a look at how Bitcoin can change the world. It's not just about money, but also about freedom, equality, and fairness. Bitcoin Collective believes that Bitcoin can help reduce income inequality and provide financial services to those who are unbanked.
Bitcoin Collective emphasizes the importance of privacy in the digital age. With Bitcoin, your financial transactions can remain private, which is a stark contrast to traditional banking systems. This book will make you see the value of privacy in a whole new light.
While Bitcoin has many benefits, it's not without risks. The author discusses potential issues such as price volatility, regulatory challenges, and technical complexities. It's a balanced view that helps you understand both the pros and cons of Bitcoin.
If you're interested in Bitcoin after reading the book, Bitcoin Collective provides a guide on how to get started. From buying your first Bitcoin to storing it safely, you'll find practical tips and advice to help you navigate the world of Bitcoin.
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