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The Light of Other Days

320 pages, 2009


From Arthur C. Clarke, the brilliant mind that brought us 2001 A Space Odyssey, and Stephen Baxter, one of the most forceful SF pens of his generation, comes a novel of a day, not so far in the future, when the walls of time and distance have suddenly turned to glass.

 When a brilliant, driven industrialist harness cutting–edge drugs to enable people far and wide, at trivial cost, to see one another at all times — around every corner, through every wall, the result is the unforeseen and complete invalidation of mortal sequestration, ever. Also, the same technology proves suitable to look backward in time as well. The Light of Other Days is a story that will change your view of what it's to be mortal. 

Exploring the Concept of Time

Arthur C. Clarke takes us on a journey through time in The Light of Other Days. He challenges our understanding of time as a linear concept, suggesting that everything that has ever happened is still occurring in some form. This book will make you rethink your perception of time.

The Power of Technology

The book explores the impact of advanced technology on society. It shows how technology can be both a blessing and a curse, providing us with incredible capabilities but also creating new ethical dilemmas. It's a great read if you're interested in the intersection of technology and society.

The Importance of Privacy

In The Light of Other Days, Clarke paints a world where privacy is non-existent due to the invention of 'WormCams'. This makes us question the value of privacy in our own lives and what it would mean to lose it completely. It's a thought-provoking look into a possible future.

Understanding Human Nature

Clarke digs deep into human nature and our reactions to change. He shows how people can adapt to even the most drastic changes in society and technology. This book will help you understand more about human resilience and adaptability.

The Intricacies of Relationships

The Light of Other Days also explores the complexities of human relationships. It shows how relationships can evolve and change over time, especially in response to external factors like technology. If you're interested in the dynamics of human relationships, you should definitely check out this book.


David Friedberg, entrepreneur and scientist and technology and venture capitalist, Recommending BestBooks

David Friedberg

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