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The Last Word

160 pages, 2001


If there is such a thing as reason, it has to be universal. Reason must reflect objective principles whose validity is independent of our point of view--principles that anyone with enough intelligence ought to be able to recognize as correct. 

But this generality of the reason is what relativists and subjectivists deny in ever-increasing numbers. And such subjectivism is not just an inconsequential intellectual flourish or badge of theoretical chic. It is exploited to deflect arguments and to belittle the pretensions of the arguments of others. 

The continuing spread of this relativistic way of thinking threatens to make public discourse increasingly difficult and exacerbate the deep divisions in our society. In The Last Word, Thomas Nagel, one of the most influential philosophers writing in English, presents a sustained defense of reason against the attacks of subjectivism, delivering systematic rebuttals of relativistic claims with respect to language, logic, science, and ethics.  

Exploring the Concept of Truth

In The Last Word, Thomas Nagel takes us on a journey to explore the concept of truth. He argues that truth is not subjective or relative, but rather, it is objective and absolute. This means that truth exists independently of our beliefs or perceptions. So, if you're interested in understanding the nature of truth, this book is a must-read.

The Importance of Reason

Nagel emphasizes the importance of reason in our lives. He believes that reason is the ultimate authority when it comes to making sense of the world. This book encourages us to rely on our reasoning abilities and not to be swayed by emotions or personal biases. It's a great reminder to always think critically and logically.

Critique of Subjectivism

One of the key points in The Last Word is Nagel's critique of subjectivism - the idea that our personal feelings and experiences shape our understanding of truth. He argues that this perspective is flawed and that truth is not influenced by our subjective experiences. This book will make you rethink your understanding of reality.

The Role of Science

Nagel also discusses the role of science in our quest for truth. He suggests that while science is a powerful tool for understanding the physical world, it cannot answer all our questions. This book will make you see the limits of scientific knowledge and encourage you to explore other ways of understanding the world.

The Power of Philosophy

Finally, The Last Word highlights the power of philosophy in helping us understand the world. Nagel shows that philosophical thinking can provide insights that science cannot. If you're curious about the big questions in life, this book will inspire you to dig deeper into philosophy.


authorSam Harris, media personality and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Sam Harris

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