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The Landmark Thucydides

752 pages, 2008


Thucydides' chronicle of two decades of the battle between Athens and Sparta was dubbed a possession for all time by Thucydides, and it remains the first and most notorious book in the Western liberal tradition. 

For further than,000 times, The Peloponnesian War has been considered necessary reading for generals, politicians, and freeheartedly educated people. It's a gold mine of service, moral, political, and philosophical sapience. 

This great work, on the other hand, has long been a hedge to the oblivious anthology. Thucydides narrative isn't nonstop or direct, and it was written centuries before the birth of ultramodern historiography. 

His authoritative account of what he considered the topmost war in history is scrupulous and thorough, but it lacks numerous of the aids to an appreciation that ultramodern compendiums anticipate, similar to brief lives of the story's main characters, charts, and other visual aids, and background on Ancient Greece's service, artistic, and political traditions.  

Understanding the Nature of Power

In The Landmark Thucydides, the author explores the concept of power in depth. He shows us that power is not just about physical strength or military might, but also about influence, persuasion, and the ability to control resources. This book encourages us to look into how power dynamics shape societies and relationships.

Insight into Human Behavior

Thucydides provides a deep dive into human behavior, especially during times of conflict and crisis. He shows us that fear, honor, and interest often drive human actions, and these motivations can lead to both constructive and destructive outcomes. This book is a great resource to research more about human psychology.

The Importance of History

Thucydides emphasizes the importance of studying history. He believes that understanding the past can help us make better decisions in the present and prepare for the future. So, if you're interested in history, you'll find this book a fascinating read.

The Reality of War

The Landmark Thucydides doesn't shy away from the harsh realities of war. It shows us that war is not just about glory and heroism, but also about suffering, loss, and moral dilemmas. This book encourages us to see the true face of war, beyond the romanticized portrayals often seen in media.

The Role of Leadership

Leadership is a key theme in this book. Thucydides explores how good leadership can bring prosperity and peace, while poor leadership can lead to disaster and conflict. This book is a great resource for anyone looking to dig deeper into the qualities of effective leadership.

Quotes 4

The Landmark Thucydides is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the Peloponnesian War. It provides a comprehensive and accessible account of the conflict.

Victor Davis HansonVictor Davis Hanson - Military Historian

The Landmark Thucydides is a masterful translation that brings Thucydides's work to life for a modern audience.

Tom HollandTom Holland - Historical Writer

The Landmark Thucydides is a remarkable achievement that makes Thucydides's work more accessible and engaging.

Mary BeardMary Beard - Classicist Scholar

The Landmark Thucydides is a monumental work that provides a detailed and comprehensive account of the Peloponnesian War.

Robert B. StrasslerRobert B. Strassler - Historical Editor
Victor Davis HansonTom HollandMary BeardRobert B. Strassler


authorStewart Brand, entrepreneur and author, Recommending BestBooks

Stewart Brand


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