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The Knowledge
352 pages, 2015
How would you go about rebuilding a technological society from scratch? If our technological society collapsed tomorrow, what would be the one book you would want to press into the hands of the post-apocalyptic survivors? What crucial knowledge would they need to survive in the immediate aftermath and rebuild civilization as quickly as possible?
Human knowledge is collective and distributed across the population. It has built on itself for centuries, becoming vast and increasingly specialized. Most of us are ignorant about the fundamental principles of the civilization that supports us, happily utilizing the latest—or even the most basic—technology without having the slightest idea of why it works or how it came to be.
If you had to go back to absolute basics, like some sort of post-cataclysmic Robinson Crusoe, would you know how to re-create an internal combustion engine, put together a microscope, get metals out of rock, or even how produce food for yourself?
In The Knowledge, Lewis Dartnell takes us on a journey to explore the foundations of our modern civilization. He digs into the science, technology, and culture that underpin our society. It's a fascinating look into how we've built the world we live in today.
Imagine if all our technology and knowledge were wiped out. How would we survive? Dartnell provides a survival guide for a post-apocalyptic world, teaching us how to recreate key technologies and skills from scratch. It's a thought-provoking look into our reliance on modern conveniences.
The Knowledge emphasizes the importance of passing on knowledge from one generation to the next. Dartnell shows us that our survival and progress as a species depend on our ability to share and build upon the knowledge of our ancestors.
In his book, Dartnell encourages us to rediscover lost skills and knowledge. From making soap to brewing beer, he takes us back to basics and shows us how these simple skills can be invaluable in a world without modern technology.
By exploring the foundations of our civilization, The Knowledge helps us appreciate the complexity and beauty of our world. It's a reminder of how far we've come as a species, and how much we have to lose if we don't protect and preserve our knowledge.
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