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The Jew of Malta
80 pages, 2003
The spirit of Machiavelli presides over The Jew of Malta, in which the title character relentlessly plots to maintain and extend his political influence and wealth. A paragon of remorseless evil, Baraba befriends and betrays the Turkish invaders and native Maltese alike, incites a duel between the suitors for his daughter's hand, and takes lethal revenge upon a convent of nuns.
Both tragedy and farce, this masterpiece of Elizabethan theater reflect the social and political complexities of its age. Christopher Marlowe's dramatic hybrid resonates with racial tension, religious conflict, and political intrigue — all of which abounded in 16th-century England.
The playwright, who infused each one of his plays with cynical humor and a dark worldview, draws upon stereotypes of Muslim and Christian as well as Jewish characters to cast an ironic perspective on all religious beliefs.
The immediate success of The Jew of Malta on the Elizabethan stage is presumed to have influenced Marlowe's colleague, William Shakespeare, to draw upon the same source material for The Merchant of Venice.
In The Jew of Malta, Christopher Marlowe explores the theme of greed and its destructive consequences. The main character, Barabas, is driven by his insatiable desire for wealth, which ultimately leads to his downfall. This book encourages readers to reflect on the negative impacts of excessive greed.
Marlowe's book provides a deep insight into the religious conflicts of the 16th century. It portrays the tension between Christians, Jews, and Muslims, offering a historical perspective that can help readers understand the roots of religious intolerance.
The Jew of Malta is a great book to see how manipulation can be used as a powerful tool. Barabas manipulates everyone around him to achieve his goals, showing the dangerous effects of deceit and cunning.
Revenge is a central theme in The Jew of Malta. The book shows how the desire for revenge can consume a person and lead them to commit heinous acts. It's a great read for those interested in exploring the psychological aspects of vengeance.
Marlowe presents Barabas as a tragic hero, a character who is brought down by his own flaws. This book is a great opportunity to explore this classic literary trope and see how the author uses it to create a compelling and thought-provoking story.