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The Innovation Blind Spot

240 pages, 2017


Our innovation economy is broken. But there's good news: The ideas that will solve our problems are hiding in plain sight. While big companies in the American economy have never been more successful, entrepreneurial activity is near a 30-year low. More businesses are dying than starting every day. 

Investors continue to dump billions of dollars into photo-sharing apps and food-delivery services, solving problems for only a wealthy sliver of the world's population, while challenges in health, food security, and education grow more serious.

 In The Innovation Blind Spot, entrepreneur and venture capitalist Ross Baird argues that the innovations that truly matter don't see the light of day--for reasons entirely of our own making. A handful of people in a handful of cities are deciding, behind closed doors, which entrepreneurs get a shot to succeed. 

And most investors are what Baird calls two-pocket thinkers--artificially separating their charitable work from their day job of making a profit. The resulting system creates rising income inequality and stifled entrepreneurial ambition, social distrust, and political uncertainty. 

Innovation is Everywhere

Ross Baird emphasizes that innovation isn't limited to Silicon Valley or other tech hubs. It's everywhere. You just need to look around and see the potential in your own backyard. Baird encourages us to explore local businesses, communities, and even our own homes for innovative ideas.

The Importance of Diverse Perspectives

In The Innovation Blind Spot, Baird highlights the importance of diverse perspectives in driving innovation. He argues that the best ideas often come from unexpected places and people who think differently. So, it's crucial to listen to and value different voices.

The Role of Capital in Innovation

Baird digs into the role of capital in innovation. He points out that the current system often overlooks great ideas because they don't fit into traditional investment models. Baird suggests that we need to rethink how we fund and support innovation to ensure that all great ideas have a chance to succeed.

The Power of Entrepreneurship

The author believes in the power of entrepreneurship to solve big problems. He encourages us to see entrepreneurs not just as business people, but as problem solvers who can make a real difference in the world. Baird's book is a call to action for all of us to support and encourage entrepreneurship.

The Need for Systemic Change

Finally, Baird argues that we need systemic change to truly unleash innovation. He suggests that we need to change our education system, our investment models, and our societal attitudes towards risk and failure. Only then can we truly tap into the full potential of innovation.

Quotes 3

Ross Baird's 'The Innovation Blind Spot' is a game changer. It provides a new perspective on how we can level the playing field for entrepreneurs, creating a more diverse and inclusive ecosystem.

Steve CaseSteve Case - AOL Co-founder

Ross Baird's 'The Innovation Blind Spot' is a must-read for anyone who cares about the future of entrepreneurship in America.

Dan SenorDan Senor - Political Advisor

Ross Baird's 'The Innovation Blind Spot' is a compelling narrative that reveals the systemic factors that hinder innovation. It's a must-read for those who want to understand and overcome these obstacles.

Walter IsaacsonWalter Isaacson - Biographer, Journalist
Steve CaseDan SenorWalter Isaacson


authorBrad Feld, entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Brad Feld

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor

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