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The Inner Lives of Markets

224 pages, 2016


America’s economic revolution isn’t just driven by technology. It’s about markets. The past twenty-five years have witnessed a remarkable shift in how we get the stuff we want. If you’ve ever owned a business, rented an apartment, or shopped online, you’ve had a front-row seat to this revolution in progress. 

Breakthrough companies like Amazon and Uber have disrupted the old ways and improved the economy to work—all thanks to technology. At least that’s how the story of the modern economy is usually told. 

But in this lucid, wry book, Ray Fisman and Tim Sullivan show that the revolution is bigger than tech: it is really a story about the transformation of markets. From the auction theories that power Google’s ad sales algorithms to the models that online retailers use to prevent internet fraud, even the most high-tech modern businesses are empowered by theory first envisioned by economists. And we’re all participants in this revolution.  

Understanding the Basics of Market Theory

Ray Fisman's book, The Inner Lives of Markets, explores the fundamental principles of market theory. He explains how markets work, why they are essential, and how they impact our daily lives. It's a great read if you're looking to understand the basics of economics.

The Evolution of Markets

The book takes you on a journey through the evolution of markets. From barter systems to modern-day online marketplaces, Fisman shows how markets have adapted and evolved over time. It's fascinating to see how far we've come.

The Impact of Markets on Society

Fisman also looks into how markets shape our society. He discusses the role of markets in everything from education to healthcare, and how they can both solve and create problems. It's a thought-provoking look at the power of markets.

The Limitations of Markets

While markets can be incredibly efficient, Fisman points out that they're not perfect. He explores the limitations of markets, including issues like inequality and market failures. It's a balanced view that doesn't shy away from the challenges.

Applying Market Theory to Real Life

One of the best parts of The Inner Lives of Markets is how Fisman applies market theory to real-life situations. He uses case studies and examples to show how the principles of markets play out in the real world. It's a practical approach that makes the theory easy to understand and apply.


authorReid Hoffman, entrepreneur and technology and venture capitalist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Reid Hoffman

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor

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