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The Inner Life of Animals
288 pages, 2021
In The Inner Life of Animals, Peter Wohlleben shares stories about how animals think, feel, and know things in much the same way as we do.
The book combines the latest scientific research with Peter's personal experiences living in forests and fields. We learn that horses feel shame, deer grieve, and goats discipline their kids.
Ravens call their friends by name, rats regret bad choices, and butterflies choose the very best places for their children to grow up. This fascinating book expands on the success of The Hidden Life of Trees (a New York Times bestseller).
In 'The Inner Life of Animals', Peter Wohlleben explores the idea that animals experience a range of emotions, just like humans. He presents compelling evidence that animals can feel joy, fear, love, and even grief. This book will make you see animals in a whole new light.
Wohlleben digs into the intelligence of animals, showing that they are capable of complex thought and problem-solving. He shares fascinating examples of animal intelligence, from squirrels remembering where they buried their nuts to crows using tools. You'll be amazed at what animals can do!
The author takes a look at the social structures within animal communities. He reveals that animals, like humans, have intricate social networks and relationships. They cooperate, compete, and even form friendships. This book will make you appreciate the complexity of animal societies.
Peter Wohlleben explores the fascinating world of animal communication. He shows that animals use a variety of methods to communicate, from vocalizations to body language. This research will make you realize that there's a lot more to animal communication than meets the eye.
In 'The Inner Life of Animals', he encourages us to learn from animals. By observing and understanding their behaviors, we can gain insights into our own behaviors and emotions. This book will inspire you to look at animals and nature with a deeper sense of respect and wonder.