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The Immoral Majority

296 pages, 2019


Evangelicals are losing the culture war. What if it’s their fault? In 2016, writer and filmmaker Ben Howe found himself disillusioned with the religious movement he’d always called home. In the pursuit of electoral victory, many American evangelicals embraced moral relativism and toxic partisanship. 

Whatever happened to the Moral Majority, who headed to Washington in the ’80s to plant the flag of Christian values? Where were the Christian leaders who emerged from that movement and led the charge against Bill Clinton for his deception and unfaithfulness? Was all that a sham? 

Or have they just lost sight of why they wanted to win in the first place? From the 1980s scandals until today, evangelicals have often been caricatured as a congregation of judgmental and prudish rubes taken in by thundering pastors consumed with greed and lust for power. Did the critics have a point? In The Immoral Majority, Howe—still a believer and still deeply conservative—analyzes and debunks the intellectual dishonesty and manipulative rhetoric that evangelical leaders use to convince Christians to toe the Republican Party line.  

The Shift in Evangelical Politics

In The Immoral Majority, Ben Howe explores the shift in evangelical politics. He shows how the group, once known for its moral high ground, has compromised its values in the name of political gain. It's a fascinating look into the changing landscape of American politics.

The Role of Fear

Howe digs into the role fear plays in politics. He suggests that fear of losing cultural dominance has led evangelicals to support politicians who don't align with their moral values. This book encourages you to question the role fear plays in your own political decisions.

The Power of Hypocrisy

The Immoral Majority takes a hard look at the hypocrisy within the evangelical community. Howe points out the contradiction between the community's professed values and their political actions. It's a wake-up call to check our actions against our beliefs.

The Impact of Political Compromise

Howe explores the impact of political compromise on the evangelical community. He argues that in their quest for political power, evangelicals have lost their moral authority. This book challenges you to consider the long-term effects of political compromise.

The Call for Moral Consistency

In The Immoral Majority, the author calls for moral consistency in politics. He believes that evangelicals can regain their moral authority by aligning their political actions with their beliefs. It's a compelling call to action for anyone interested in the intersection of faith and politics.


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