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The Half-Life of Facts
256 pages, 2013
Facts change all the time. Smoking has gone from doctor-recommended to deadly. We used to think the Earth was the center of the universe and that the brontosaurus was a real dinosaur. In short, what we know about the world is constantly changing.
Samuel Arbesman shows us how knowledge in most fields evolves systematically and predictably and how this evolution unfolds in a fascinating way that can have a powerful impact on our lives.
He takes us through a wide variety of fields, including those that change quickly over the course of a few years or over the span of centuries.
In 'The Half-Life of Facts', Samuel Arbesman explores the concept that facts have a half-life, meaning they decay over time. This is a fascinating idea that encourages us to constantly update our knowledge and not take everything we know for granted.
Arbesman emphasizes the importance of continuous learning. As facts change and evolve, so should our understanding. This book encourages us to stay curious, keep exploring, and never stop learning.
The book also digs into the role of technology in the evolution of knowledge. It shows how advancements in technology can accelerate the rate at which facts change, making it even more crucial to stay updated.
Arbesman's research also looks into how the changing nature of facts impacts society and our daily lives. It's a wake-up call to be more adaptable and flexible in our thinking.
Finally, 'The Half-Life of Facts' explores the science behind why facts decay. It's a fascinating look into the nature of knowledge and how it changes over time. This book will make you see the world in a whole new light.