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The Great Depression

288 pages, 2010


This book is a first-person description of life during the Great Depression, with chilling similarities to our own day. Benjamin Roth was born in 1894 in New York City. He had been practicing law for around ten years when the stock market fell in 1929, primarily representing small firms. He began writing down his views in a diary that he kept intermittently until his death in 1978, about two years after he began to understand the significance of what had occurred to American economic life. 

Roth's comments from that era appear to speak straight to today's readers. His views and experiences have a startling resemblance to those of our own day. Roth, like many of us, strives to comprehend and educate himself on the events unfolding around him. He is a skeptic of large government, but FDRs New Deal eventually wins him over.

 This compilation of his journal entries, edited by James Ledbetter, editor of Slates The Big Money, offers a different aspect of the Great Depression: that of regular, middle-class people dealing with a rapidly changing economy and fear about the uncertain future on a daily basis.  

Understanding the Great Depression

Benjamin Roth's book, The Great Depression, gives us a detailed look into the economic crisis that shook the world in the 1930s. It's a great resource if you want to explore the causes and effects of the Great Depression.

Personal Experiences during the Depression

Roth shares his personal experiences during the Great Depression. This gives us a unique perspective on how ordinary people coped with the economic downturn. It's a fascinating look into a challenging period in history.

Economic Lessons from the Past

The Great Depression by Benjamin Roth is not just a historical account, it's also a treasure trove of economic lessons. By studying the past, we can better understand how to prevent similar crises in the future.

Impact on Society and Culture

Roth's book also explores the impact of the Great Depression on society and culture. It's interesting to see how such a major event can shape the way people think, behave, and interact with each other.

A Diary of the Depression Era

The Great Depression is essentially a diary of the depression era. Roth's personal observations and experiences make it a compelling read. If you're interested in history or economics, you should definitely check out this book.


Scott Pape, educator and investor and author, Recommending BestBooks

Scott Pape


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