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The God of Small Things

333 pages, 2008


The year is 1969. In the state of Kerala, on the southernmost tip of India, a sky-blue Plymouth with chrome tail fins is stranded on the highway amid a Marxist worker's demonstration. Inside the car sit two-egg twins Rahel and Esthappen, and so begins their tale. . . .

 Armed only with the invincible innocence of children, they fashion a childhood for themselves in the shade of the wreck that is their family--their lonely, lovely mother, Ammu (who loves by night the man her children love by day), their blind grandmother, Mammachi (who plays Handel on her violin), their beloved uncle Chacko (Rhodes scholar, pickle baron, radical Marxist, bottom-pincher), their enemy, Baby Kochamma (ex-nun and incumbent grandaunt), and the ghost of an imperial entomologist's moth (with unusually dense dorsal tufts). 

When their English cousin, Sophie Mol, and her mother, Margaret Kochamma, arrive at a Christmas visit, Esthappen and Rahel learn that Things Can Change in a Day.  

The Power of Love

Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things explores the profound impact of love on our lives. It shows how love can break societal norms and boundaries, but also how it can lead to tragic consequences. It's a reminder to cherish the love we have in our lives.

The Impact of Social Hierarchies

The book takes a hard look at the caste system in India and its devastating effects on people's lives. It's a call to action to challenge and question these deeply ingrained societal structures.

The Importance of Small Things

Roy's book reminds us to appreciate the small things in life. It's the small things that often have the most significant impact on our lives. So, take a moment to find joy in the little things around you.

The Consequences of Secrets

The God of Small Things shows us how secrets can tear families apart. It's a reminder to be honest and open with our loved ones, as secrets can lead to misunderstandings and heartbreak.

The Power of Memory

The book explores the role of memory in shaping our lives. It shows how past events can continue to affect us, even years later. It's a call to action to confront our past and heal from it.

Quotes 5

Roy's novel is a marvel of magic realism, delivering a poignant and powerful narrative.

John UpdikeJohn Updike - Pulitzer-winning Novelist

Roy's book is both a masterpiece of storytelling and a piercing critique of social structures.

Margaret AtwoodMargaret Atwood - Canadian Poet, Novelist

The God of Small Things is a powerful novel that skillfully combines the personal and political.

Salman RushdieSalman Rushdie - British Indian Novelist

Roy's novel is a triumph, a novel of profound depth and beauty.

Zadie SmithZadie Smith - British Novelist, Essayist

The God of Small Things is a deeply moving and evocative exploration of human relationships and the far-reaching consequences of our actions.

Jhumpa LahiriJhumpa Lahiri - American Author, Pulitzer-winner
John UpdikeMargaret AtwoodSalman RushdieZadie SmithJhumpa Lahiri


authorRupi Kaur, designer and author, Recommending BestBooks

Rupi Kaur
