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The Game of Life and How to Play It

95 pages, 1978


With her classic book, THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY IT, Florence Scovel Shinn established herself as one of the most down-to-earth, practical, and helpful prosperity writers of her era. With a timeless message and the ability to explain success principles and how they work in an entertaining style, her writings are still considered the leaders in prosperity literature today.

Power of Positive Affirmations

Florence Scovel Shinn emphasizes the importance of positive affirmations in shaping our lives. By repeating positive statements, we can reprogram our subconscious mind and attract positive outcomes. So, start your day with a positive affirmation and see the change.

Law of Attraction

The Game of Life and How to Play It teaches us about the law of attraction. According to Shinn, what we think and feel, we attract. If you focus on positive thoughts, you'll attract positive experiences. So, try to keep your thoughts positive and see what happens.

Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude plays a crucial role in our lives. Shinn suggests that being thankful for what we have opens the door for more blessings. So, start appreciating the little things in life and you'll find more reasons to be grateful.

Power of Words

Words have power, and Shinn emphasizes this in her book. The words we speak can shape our reality. So, be mindful of your words. Speak positively and watch how your life changes.

Faith and Fear Cannot Coexist

In The Game of Life and How to Play It, Shinn teaches us that faith and fear cannot coexist. If you have faith in positive outcomes, there's no room for fear. So, let go of your fears and have faith in the process.

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Florence Scovel Shinn's work has been a source of inspiration, guiding countless people to understand the power of their thoughts and words. Her book, 'The Game of Life and How to Play It', is a timeless classic that continues to enlighten and empower.

Louise HayLouise Hay - Self-help author

Florence Scovel Shinn's 'The Game of Life and How to Play It' is a profound book that provides practical wisdom on how to navigate life's challenges and create your own reality.

Wayne DyerWayne Dyer - Motivational speaker

Florence Scovel Shinn's book is a guide to understanding the rules of the game of life. It is a powerful tool for personal transformation and self-realization.

Deepak ChopraDeepak Chopra - Alternative medicine advocate
Louise HayWayne DyerDeepak Chopra



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