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The Five Temptations of a CEO

160 pages, 2008


The celebrated best-selling book by management expert Patrick Lencioni is revised and expanded, with a new afterward that provides insight for today’s executives about the lessons he has learned during the past decade. Lencioni takes us into his own life and provides psychological insights on how to become a better leader by recognizing common pitfalls, avoiding them, and capitalizing on talent. The result is insightful, character-building work that will challenge you to become a better leader—and perhaps even make you rethink your career choices.

Avoid the Temptation of Status

In The Five Temptations of a CEO, Patrick Lencioni emphasizes that leaders should not prioritize their status over getting results. He suggests that CEOs should focus on the success of the company rather than their personal reputation. So, take a look at your priorities and see if they align with the company's goals.

Resist the Temptation of Certainty

Lencioni points out that CEOs often fall into the trap of wanting to be certain before making a decision. However, he argues that this can lead to inaction and missed opportunities. Instead, he encourages leaders to make the best decision they can with the information they have and adjust as necessary.

Overcome the Temptation of Harmony

The author suggests that CEOs often avoid conflict in the interest of maintaining harmony. However, he argues that this can prevent important discussions and hinder progress. So, don't be afraid to encourage healthy debates and discussions in your team.

Beware of the Temptation of Invulnerability

Lencioni warns CEOs against the temptation to maintain a facade of invulnerability. He believes that leaders who are open about their weaknesses and mistakes foster trust and loyalty in their teams. So, don't be afraid to show your human side.

Fight the Temptation of Popularity

In his book, Lencioni explains that CEOs often want to be liked more than they want to lead. However, he argues that making tough decisions and holding people accountable are key aspects of effective leadership. So, don't shy away from making unpopular decisions if they're in the best interest of the company.


Cindy Eckert

Cindy Eckert

entrepreneurscientistventure capitalist

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