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The Extension of Man

320 pages, 1972

science & nature

science & nature

1064 books

The late J. D. Bernal's lectures given to first-year students in physics at Birkbeck College, University of London, are presented here in their entirety, tracing the history of physics up to the end of the classical era at the end of the 19th century, just before the discoveries of the subatom and relativity were made. Considering the prestige and profundity of the newer discoveries, Bernal felt that the classical era was being largely forgotten. In this book, he attributes a greater relevance to the work of men from the distant past than is usually given: describing how Newton developed his concepts further than one might suppose from simply reading his works. For instance, there is an absolutely unbroken connection between Democritus' atom and modern physicists' atom regarding its physical properties like mass and charge.

Understanding the Human-Machine Relationship

In The Extension of Man, J.D. Bernal explores the intricate relationship between humans and machines. He suggests that machines are not just tools, but extensions of ourselves. This perspective can change the way we interact with technology, making us more mindful of its potential and limitations.

The Evolution of Technology

Bernal takes us on a journey through the history of technology, showing how it has evolved over time. From the simple tools of the Stone Age to the complex machines of the modern era, he gives us a comprehensive overview. This can help us appreciate the progress we've made and inspire us to continue innovating.

The Impact of Technology on Society

The book also looks into the social implications of technology. Bernal argues that technology has the power to shape society, influencing everything from our daily routines to our cultural values. This insight can encourage us to think critically about the role of technology in our lives.

The Future of Technology

Bernal doesn't just look at the past and present of technology, he also speculates about its future. He envisions a world where technology is even more integrated into our lives, raising important questions about ethics and responsibility. This can prompt us to consider the potential consequences of our technological advancements.

The Role of Science in Technology

Finally, Bernal emphasizes the importance of scientific research in the development of technology. He believes that a strong foundation in science is crucial for technological innovation. This can inspire us to support scientific research and education, recognizing their value for our technological progress.


authorPaul Graham

Paul Graham

entrepreneurtechnologyventure capitalistauthor

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