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The Essential Writings

464 pages, 2008


Mahatma Gandhi was a profound and original thinker, one of the most influential figures in the history of the twentieth century, and a famous advocate of non-violent civil resistance.

His many varied writings essentially respond to the specific challenges he faced throughout his life, and they show his evolving ideas and deepening spirituality and humanity over several decades.

Drawn from the full range of Gandhi's published work--books, articles, broadcasts, interviews, letters--this superb selection illuminates his thinking on religion and spirituality, society and its problems, politics and British rule, and on non-violence and civil disobedience.

The pieces are arranged to underscore Gandhi's belief that transformation in human life should be from the roots upwards, from the individual through to social and political relations.

The Introduction by Judith Brown--a leading authority on Gandhi--provides a brief account of his life and his ambiguous role in the Indian nationalist movement, examines what kind of thinker and writer Gandhi was, and shows how he built a coherent body of thought.

Non-Violence is Powerful

Mahatma Gandhi strongly believed in the power of non-violence. He showed us that it's possible to fight for justice and freedom without resorting to violence. This book will inspire you to explore the power of peaceful resistance in your own life.

The Importance of Truth

Gandhi emphasized the importance of truth in all aspects of life. He believed that honesty and integrity are the foundations of a good life. Check out this book to see how you can apply these principles in your own life.

Spirituality and Politics Can Coexist

Gandhi was a deeply spiritual man who also played a major role in politics. He showed us that spirituality and politics can coexist and even complement each other. Take a look at this book to find out how you can balance these two aspects of your life.

The Power of Simplicity

Gandhi lived a simple life and believed in the power of simplicity. He showed us that happiness and fulfillment can be found in living a simple life. This book will inspire you to simplify your own life and find joy in the simple things.

Self-Discipline and Self-Control

Gandhi was a man of great self-discipline and self-control. He believed that these qualities are essential for personal growth and success. Dig into this book to learn how you can develop these qualities in your own life.

Quotes 4

Gandhi's writings have profoundly shaped my thinking and actions, they are a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in darkness.

Barack ObamaBarack Obama - 44th U.S. President

Gandhi's writings were instrumental in my fight against apartheid, they provided the moral compass I needed.

Nelson MandelaNelson Mandela - Anti-apartheid revolutionary

Gandhi's writings were a source of inspiration in my struggle for civil rights, they taught me the power of non-violence.

Martin Luther King Jr.Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil rights leader

Gandhi's writings have greatly influenced my approach to peace and non-violence, they are a guiding light in my spiritual journey.

Dalai LamaDalai Lama - Tibetan spiritual leader
Barack ObamaNelson MandelaMartin Luther King Jr.Dalai Lama


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