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The Erotic Mind

400 pages, 1996


Few of us will find our most enthusiastic and curious sexual selves in committed monogamy, yet we continue to try. In The Erotic Mind, Dr. Jack Morin shows us how to turn obstacles into opportunities for arousal, enhance self-pleasure, and avoid pitfalls that can ruin the best sexual encounters. A groundbreaking new book based on his clinical experience as a sex therapist and psychologist, The Erotic Mind explores eleven areas of psychology: childhood experiences, anxiety and guilt, anger and frustration, determination, level of personal control over arousal and sexual response; physical factors such as stress and pregnancy; body image issues; sleep patterns that change sexual desire or impact performance; relationship dynamics—including confidence in the relationship with one's partner; upbringing differences between men and women that have been ignored by popular culture; new research.

Understanding the Core Erotic Theme

In 'The Erotic Mind', Jack Morin introduces the concept of the 'Core Erotic Theme'. This is a unique pattern of sexual fantasies and desires that each person has. By exploring your own Core Erotic Theme, you can gain a deeper understanding of your sexual self.

The Role of Conflict in Sexual Desire

Morin suggests that conflict plays a crucial role in sexual desire. He argues that the tension between what we want and what we feel we should want can actually heighten our arousal. So, don't be afraid of your inner conflicts, they might be adding a spark to your erotic life.

The Power of Sexual Fantasies

The book encourages readers to see their sexual fantasies as a source of self-knowledge and personal growth. Morin believes that by examining our fantasies, we can learn more about our deepest desires and fears. So, take a look into your fantasies, you might find something surprising about yourself.

The Importance of Emotional Risk

According to Morin, emotional risk is a key component of eroticism. He suggests that the thrill of the unknown and the possibility of rejection can actually enhance our sexual experiences. So, don't shy away from emotional risks, they might just spice up your love life.

The Continuum of Sexual Behavior

In 'The Erotic Mind', Morin presents a continuum of sexual behavior, ranging from the mundane to the exotic. He encourages readers to explore their own place on this continuum and to embrace their unique sexual selves. So, dig into your own sexual behavior, you might discover something new about your erotic self.


authorEsther Perel, educator and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Esther Perel
