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The End of Power
320 pages, 2014
As power shifts around the world, from presidential palaces to public squares, from formerly mighty corporations to agile startups, and from males to women, it is rotting. Those in power now have fewer options for what they can do with it, and they are more likely to lose it than ever before. Moisés Nam examines the conflict between once-dominant mega players and the emerging micro powers that are challenging them in every sector of human effort in his book The End of Power . Nam explains how the anti-establishment drive of micro powers may overthrow rulers, overturn monopolies, and offer extraordinary new opportunities for some; but it can also lead to chaos and paralysis for others.
In The End of Power, Moisés Naím explores the idea that power is not just shifting, but decaying. He suggests that power is becoming more transient and harder to maintain, which is changing the dynamics of society, politics, and business.
Naím identifies three revolutions that are causing power to decay: the More Revolution, the Mobility Revolution, and the Mentality Revolution. These revolutions are increasing the capacity of individuals and small groups to challenge traditional power structures.
The More Revolution, as Naím explains, is about the increase in everything - from population to information. This abundance is making it harder for those in power to control and influence others.
The Mobility Revolution is about the ease with which ideas, people, and goods move around the world today. This mobility is undermining the power of those who rely on controlling physical spaces.
The Mentality Revolution is about the change in people's attitudes and expectations. Naím argues that people are less willing to accept power structures and more willing to challenge them. This shift in mentality is eroding the power of traditional institutions.
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The End of Power explores the struggle between once-dominant megaplayers and the new micro powers challenging them in every field of human endeavor.

The End of Power is a compelling and original piece of work that forces us to challenge our own assumptions about the way power is organized.

Moisés Naím provides a fascinating look at the end of power in all its forms and what it means for our future.