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The Emperor of Scent

352 pages, 2004


The Emperor of Scent tells of the scientific maverick Luca Turin, a connoisseur and something of an aesthete who wrote a bestselling perfume guide and bandied about an outrageous new theory on the human sense of smell. Drawing on cutting-edge work in biology, chemistry, and physics, Turin used his obsession with perfume and his eerie gift for smell to turn the cloistered worlds of the smell business and science upside down, leading to a solution to the last great mystery of the senses: how the nose works.

The Fascinating World of Scent

In The Emperor of Scent, Chandler Burr takes us on a journey into the intriguing world of scent. He explores the science behind our sense of smell and how it influences our lives in ways we often overlook. It's a fascinating read that will make you appreciate your sense of smell in a whole new way.

The Maverick Scientist

The book introduces us to Luca Turin, a maverick scientist with a unique theory about how we perceive scent. His unconventional approach and relentless pursuit of truth, despite facing criticism and rejection, is truly inspiring. It's a reminder to stay true to your beliefs, even when the world doesn't agree.

The Power of Persistence

Chandler Burr shows us the power of persistence through Luca Turin's story. Despite facing numerous obstacles, Turin never gave up on his theory. This book will inspire you to keep going, no matter how tough things get.

The Intricacies of the Perfume Industry

The Emperor of Scent also gives us a peek into the perfume industry. From the creation of new fragrances to the marketing strategies used to sell them, Burr provides an in-depth look into this glamorous yet complex world.

The Intersection of Science and Art

One of the most interesting aspects of the book is how it highlights the intersection of science and art in the world of perfumery. It's a beautiful reminder of how these two fields can come together to create something truly magical.


Eric Weinstein, entrepreneur and investor and scientist and venture capitalist, Recommending BestBooks

Eric Weinstein

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