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The Dharma Bums

244 pages, 1976


The Dharma Bums is about friendship, the search for meaning, and the allure of nature. It’s about two charismatic young men who go on a heroic odyssey across America in search of enlightenment. With them are a cast of Beat legends—Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac himself, and others who exemplify Beat ideals. You’ll meet vagabonds, farmers, mountain climbers, vagrants…but you'll also be introduced to fascinating characters such as Japhy Ryder (a poet who renounced conventional life to become a Zen monk), Ray Smith (an innocent writer looking for his place in the world), and Olema Burns (the enigmatic proprietress of a café in Point Reyes).

Exploring Spirituality

In The Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac takes us on a journey of spiritual exploration. He encourages us to look into different belief systems and philosophies, particularly Buddhism, to find our own path to enlightenment.

The Beauty of Simplicity

Kerouac shows us the beauty of living a simple life. He suggests that happiness can be found in the most basic things, like nature, meditation, and companionship. So, take a step back from the hustle and bustle and find joy in simplicity.

The Importance of Individuality

The Dharma Bums emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself. Kerouac's characters are not afraid to go against societal norms and expectations to live the life they want. It's a reminder to embrace our uniqueness and live authentically.

The Power of Travel

Travel plays a significant role in the book. It's through his travels that Kerouac's protagonist, Ray Smith, learns about himself and the world around him. So, pack your bags and see what you can learn from exploring new places.

The Value of Friendship

Friendship is a recurring theme in The Dharma Bums. Kerouac shows us that friends can help us grow, challenge our beliefs, and provide support during tough times. So, cherish your friendships and don't be afraid to make new ones.


authorJosh Waitzkin, educator and sport and author, Recommending BestBooks

Josh Waitzkin
