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The Denial of Death

336 pages, 1997


Winner of the Pulitzer prize in 1974 and the culmination of a life's work, The Denial of Death is Ernest Becker's brilliant and impassioned answer to the "why" of human existence.

In bold contrast to the predominant Freudian school of thought, Becker tackles the problem of the vital lie -- man's refusal to acknowledge his own mortality. In doing so, he sheds new light on the nature of humanity and issues a call to life and its living that still resonates more than twenty years after its writing.

Understanding the Fear of Death

Ernest Becker explores the concept of death and how the fear of it shapes human behavior. He suggests that our actions are often driven by an unconscious fear of mortality. This fear can lead us to seek symbolic immortality through our work, our children, or our beliefs.

The Role of Heroism

Becker digs into the idea of heroism, suggesting that it's a way for us to cope with our mortality. By striving to be heroes, we try to transcend death and achieve a form of immortality. This can be seen in various aspects of life, from careers to sports to art.

The Impact of Culture

The Denial of Death takes a look at how culture plays a role in our understanding and denial of death. Becker argues that cultural systems are a defense mechanism against the knowledge of our mortality. They provide meaning, order, and a sense of permanence in a transient world.

The Concept of Character

Becker explores the idea of character as a vital lie. He suggests that our character is a construct we create to hide our deep-seated fear of death. By building a certain character, we try to convince ourselves and others of our worth and significance in the world.

The Psychological Impact

In his research, Becker finds that the denial of death can lead to mental health issues. The constant suppression of our mortality fear can result in anxiety, depression, and other psychological problems. He encourages us to confront and accept our mortality as a part of life.

Quotes 3

Ernest Becker's The Denial of Death is a monumental work, a brilliant synthesis of the psychological, the philosophical, and the theological. It is a book that has changed my life and could change yours.

Sam KeenSam Keen - Philosophy, Spirituality

The Denial of Death is a masterpiece of psychological analysis, a book that brilliantly blends the existential and the psychoanalytic. It is a book that has profound implications for our understanding of the human condition.

Sheldon SolomonSheldon Solomon - Social Psychology

The Denial of Death is a profound and deeply moving book, a work of great intellectual and emotional depth. It is a book that challenges us to confront our own mortality and to live our lives with greater authenticity and courage.

Daniel LiechtyDaniel Liechty - Theology, Social Work
Sam KeenSheldon SolomonDaniel Liechty


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