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The Cosma Hypothesis
296 pages, 2019
In 1986, Frank White was working on his groundbreaking book The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution when he heard the late Tom Wolfe say that the country had no philosophy of space exploration.
This prompted White to begin a quest to develop a profound understanding of why (and how) humans should explore the universe. The Cosma Hypothesis represents the culmination of his effort to develop such a philosophy; following the pattern set in The Overview Effect, interviews with astronauts about their experiences in space formed the basis for this book's thesis that our purpose in exploring space should transcend focusing on how it will benefit humanity.
Instead, we should ask how to create a symbiotic relationship with the universe--giving back as much as we take and spreading life, intelligence, and self-awareness throughout our solar system and beyond.
Frank White introduces the Cosma Hypothesis, a theory that suggests the universe is a living entity. He encourages readers to explore this concept and consider its implications for our understanding of life and the cosmos.
White suggests that humans are not just passive observers of the universe, but active participants. He invites us to look into our role in the cosmos and how we can contribute to its evolution.
The book emphasizes the importance of space exploration. White believes that by venturing into space, we can gain a better understanding of our place in the universe and our responsibilities towards it.
White introduces the idea of universal responsibility. He encourages us to see ourselves as caretakers of the universe, responsible for its well-being and future development.
The Cosma Hypothesis suggests that human consciousness has the potential to influence the universe. White encourages readers to research this concept and consider how our thoughts and actions can shape the cosmos.