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The Call
224 pages, 2003
This book challenges readers to discard the expectations of others and the outside world and to discover who they truly are by delving deep into their own selves. In it, Oriah weaves together evocative, richly textured prose poems that paint a picture for us of what life is like for her, where she comes from and how she became who she is today. She also includes some of her favorite quotes and pictures that have inspired her.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer encourages readers to explore their true selves. She believes that by accepting who we are, we can find our purpose and live a more fulfilling life. So, take a look into your heart, find your true self, and embrace it.
The Call emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment. Oriah Mountain Dreamer suggests that by focusing on the now, we can experience life more fully and find greater joy. So, stop worrying about the past or the future, and start enjoying the present.
In The Call, the journey is just as important as the destination. The author encourages readers to appreciate the process of reaching their goals, not just the end result. So, don't rush through life, take your time and enjoy the journey.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer emphasizes the importance of self-love. She believes that by loving ourselves, we can better love others and live a more fulfilling life. So, take some time to appreciate yourself, and see how it changes your perspective.
The Call encourages readers to find their purpose in life. Oriah Mountain Dreamer believes that by finding our purpose, we can live a more meaningful and satisfying life. So, dig deep, find your passion, and let it guide you.