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The Book of Secrets
1328 pages, 2010
In this comprehensive and practical guide, Osho reveals the secrets of Tantra, a collection of powerful transformative tools that can bring new meaning to every aspect of your life. While it has been misunderstood and misinterpreted in the past, Tantra is not just a collection of techniques to enhance sexual experience; it is a complete science of self-realization based on the cumulative wisdom of centuries of exploration into the meaning of life and consciousness. As Osho shows in these pages, Tantra is more than just a technique—it's a way to bring new meaning and joy into every aspect of your daily life.
In The Book of Secrets, Osho encourages us to explore our inner selves. He believes that true peace and happiness can only be found within, not in the external world. So, take a look inside yourself and find that inner peace.
Osho explains the importance of meditation in achieving self-awareness and inner peace. He provides practical techniques and insights to help you understand and practice meditation. So, if you're interested in meditation, this book is a must-read.
The Book of Secrets emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment. Osho argues that dwelling on the past or worrying about the future only leads to suffering. So, check out this book to learn how to live in the now and find true happiness.
Change is a constant part of life, and Osho teaches us to embrace it rather than resist it. He believes that accepting change can lead to personal growth and transformation. So, if you're struggling with change, this book can provide valuable insights.
The Book of Secrets is all about the journey to self-discovery. Osho encourages us to dig deep into our inner selves and discover who we truly are. So, if you're on a journey of self-discovery, this book can be a valuable guide.
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