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The Blue Zones Kitchen: 100 Recipes to Live to 100
304 pages, 2019
The best-selling author of The Blue Zones debuts his first cookbook, filled with 100 longevity recipes inspired by the Blue Zones locations around the world, where people live the longest. Building on decades of research, longevity expert Dan Buettner has gathered 100 recipes inspired by the Blue Zones, home to the healthiest and happiest communities in the world.
Each dish--for example, Sardinian Herbed Lentil Minestrone; Costa Rican Hearts of Palm Ceviche; Cornmeal Waffles from Loma Linda, California; and Okinawan Sweet Potatoes--uses ingredients and cooking methods have proven to increase longevity and wellness. Complemented by mouthwatering photography (including lifestyle tips), the recipes also include information about how they were created by combining elements from various cultures.
In The Blue Zones Kitchen, Dan Buettner explores the benefits of a plant-based diet. He found that people living in Blue Zones, areas with the highest concentration of centenarians, consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. This book encourages you to take a look at your own diet and see if you can incorporate more plant-based meals.
One of the key takeaways from The Blue Zones Kitchen is the importance of social connections and community. Buettner's research shows that people who live to 100 often have strong social networks and engage in regular community activities. So, it's not just about what you eat, but also who you eat with.
The Blue Zones Kitchen emphasizes the importance of moderation. People in Blue Zones don't deprive themselves of food or drink, but they do practice portion control and avoid overeating. This book encourages you to find a balance in your diet and lifestyle.
In his book, Buettner found that people in Blue Zones are naturally active. They don't necessarily hit the gym, but they engage in regular, low-intensity physical activities like gardening, walking, or doing household chores. This book encourages you to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine.
The Blue Zones Kitchen highlights the role of herbs and spices in Blue Zones diets. These natural ingredients not only add flavor to meals but also have various health benefits. Check out the book to explore the different herbs and spices used in Blue Zones and how you can use them in your own cooking.