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The Agile Gene
352 pages, 2004
Arguing that genetic predetermination and learned behavior are both at work in creating the human brain's structure, acclaimed science writer Matt Ridley sets out to describe how this paradoxical creature, the human being, can be simultaneously free-willed and motivated by instinct and culture. By decoding the human genome, we now know that genes not only predetermine the broad structure of the brain, they also absorb formative experiences and react to social cues. They are consequences as well as causes of the will.
In The Agile Gene, Matt Ridley explores the fascinating world of genetics. He shows us that genes are not just about heredity, but they also play a significant role in shaping our behavior, intelligence, and personality. It's a must-read if you're curious about how genes influence who we are.
Ridley takes a deep look into the age-old debate of nature vs. nurture. He argues that it's not a matter of one or the other, but rather a complex interplay between the two. This book will make you rethink your understanding of this debate.
The Agile Gene digs into how our environment can influence the expression of our genes. It's not just about what genes we have, but how they interact with our surroundings. This book will help you see the importance of both genes and environment in shaping who we are.
Ridley's research in The Agile Gene shows us that DNA is not a blueprint, but more of a recipe. It's a fascinating look into how our genes work and how they can be influenced by external factors. You'll find yourself amazed by the power and flexibility of our genetic code.
In The Agile Gene, Ridley doesn't just explore the science of genetics. He also discusses the implications for society, from education to politics. It's a thought-provoking book that will make you see the world in a new light.
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