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The 4-Hour Chef

672 pages, 2012


Tim Ferriss: The 4-Hour Chef isn't just a cookbook. It's a choose-your-own-adventure guide to the world of rapid learning, an unearthing of the secrets of the world's fastest learners and greatest chefs. Tim Ferriss takes you from Manhattan to Okinawa, and from Silicon Valley to Calcutta, using cooking to explain 'meta-learning. ' That is the real 'recipe' of The 4-Hour Chef. You'll train inside the kitchen for everything outside the kitchen. Featuring tips and tricks from chess prodigies, world-renowned chefs, astronomers, professional athletes, supermodels, and everyone in between, this cookbook for people who don’t buy cookbooks is a guide to mastering cooking and life.

Learning Anything Quickly

In The 4-Hour Chef, Tim Ferriss introduces the concept of 'meta-learning'. He shares his unique approach to mastering any new skill in record time. This is not just about cooking, it's about learning how to learn. You'll find it fascinating to explore his techniques.

Cooking as a Survival Skill

Ferriss sees cooking as a fundamental survival skill. He believes that everyone should be able to prepare a basic meal. So, if you've always been scared of the kitchen, this book will help you conquer your fears and start cooking.

The Importance of Simplicity

The 4-Hour Chef emphasizes the importance of simplicity in cooking. Ferriss shows that you don't need fancy equipment or complicated recipes to make delicious meals. You'll be surprised to see how simple cooking can be.

The Power of Experiments

Ferriss encourages readers to experiment in the kitchen. He believes that making mistakes is an essential part of learning. So, don't be afraid to try new things and see what works for you.

Healthy Eating and Living

The 4-Hour Chef is not just about cooking. It's also about eating and living healthily. Ferriss shares his research on nutrition and gives practical tips on how to incorporate healthy habits into your daily life. You'll find it interesting to dig into his insights.


Quotes 4

Tim Ferriss has done it again. The 4-Hour Chef is not just a cookbook. It's a choose-your-own-adventure guide to the world of rapid learning.

Jack CanfieldJack Canfield - Motivational Speaker

The 4-Hour Chef is a five-stop journey through the art and science of learning, a comprehensive guide to hacking your brain and body for greatness.

Chris AndersonChris Anderson - TED Curator

The 4-Hour Chef isn't just a cookbook. It's a lifestyle design guide for the 21st-century adventurer.

Neil StraussNeil Strauss - Journalist, Author

The 4-Hour Chef is a mesmerizing journey through the mind of a master learner and an unparalleled guide to becoming all that you can be.

Marc EckoMarc Ecko - Fashion Designer
Jack CanfieldChris AndersonNeil StraussMarc Ecko


authorJosh Waitzkin, educator and sport and author, Recommending BestBooks

Josh Waitzkin

Nat Eliason, entrepreneur and marketer and author, Recommending BestBooks

Nat Eliason


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