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82 pages, 2019


A lively discussion on sex and gender, as relevant today as ever. Over the course of a drinking party at his house, Socrates' mentor, Diotima, provides a surprisingly insightful analysis of human nature and the meaning of love. She argues that love is a fundamental force for social action--and that it's a means for ethical education. Diotima's analysis culminates in a radical argument for how everyone should temper their desire for pleasure and avoid being ruled by it--the recipe for perfect happiness.

Understanding Love

In Symposium, Plato explores the concept of love in a unique way. He presents different perspectives on love through various characters, encouraging readers to dig deeper into their own understanding of this complex emotion.

The Role of Dialogue

Plato uses dialogue as a tool to present his philosophical ideas. In Symposium, he shows how engaging in thoughtful conversation can lead to profound insights. So, next time you're in a discussion, remember to listen and learn.

The Nature of Beauty

Plato's Symposium invites readers to explore the idea of beauty beyond physical appearance. He suggests that true beauty lies in virtues and ideas, a thought-provoking concept that can change the way you perceive the world around you.

The Power of Rhetoric

Plato demonstrates the power of persuasive speech in Symposium. He shows how rhetoric can influence people's thoughts and actions. This can inspire you to improve your communication skills and use them responsibly.

The Pursuit of Wisdom

In Symposium, Plato emphasizes the importance of seeking wisdom. He suggests that wisdom leads to a fulfilling life. This takeaway can motivate you to keep learning and growing in your personal and professional life.

Quotes 5

Plato's Symposium is a masterpiece of philosophical literature, a profound exploration of love and beauty.

Friedrich NietzscheFriedrich Nietzsche - Philosophy, Cultural Criticism

The Symposium is Plato's most perfect dramatic work, a meditation on love that is both philosophical and poetic.

Harold BloomHarold Bloom - Literary Criticism

The Symposium is a text that never ceases to interrogate us, a timeless reflection on desire and its mysteries.

Julia KristevaJulia Kristeva - Feminist Theory

The Symposium is the foundational text of Western metaphysics, a profound examination of love and its implications.

Alain BadiouAlain Badiou - Contemporary Philosophy

The Symposium is a deeply moving and thought-provoking exploration of love, its nature and its significance.

Martha NussbaumMartha Nussbaum - Ethics, Political Philosophy
Friedrich NietzscheHarold BloomJulia KristevaAlain BadiouMartha Nussbaum


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