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Sushi and Beyond
336 pages, 2010
Japanese people are fascinating eaters. They go to extraordinary lengths and expense to eat the finest, most delectable, and freakiest food imaginable. Their creativity, dedication, and ingenuity is only now beginning to be fully appreciated in the sushi-saturated West, as are the remarkable health benefits of the traditional Japanese diet. Michael Booth—a writer with two young fussy eaters under six—travels the length of Japan to learn fascinating tips and recipes that few westerners have been privy to before. Accompanied by his family, he eats bear-infested beer and visits snake-infested Okinawa.
In 'Sushi and Beyond', Michael Booth takes us on a culinary journey through Japan. He explores the rich diversity of Japanese cuisine, far beyond just sushi. You'll find yourself wanting to try out new dishes and maybe even cook some at home.
Booth digs deep into the cultural significance of food in Japan. He shows us how food is not just about taste, but also about tradition, respect, and community. Reading this book, you'll see food from a whole new perspective.
Booth doesn't just eat his way through Japan, he also learns to cook Japanese food. He shows us that Japanese cooking is an art form, with a focus on precision and balance. If you're a foodie, you'll love this inside look into the world of Japanese cuisine.
This book is not just about food, it's also a travelogue. Booth takes us on his adventures across Japan, meeting interesting people and visiting unique places. If you're a fan of travel, you'll enjoy this book as much as any travel guide.
One of the best parts of 'Sushi and Beyond' is Booth's humor and insight. He makes you laugh, think, and see things in a new light. This book is a great read if you're looking to be entertained and educated at the same time.
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