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Strangers to Ourselves

262 pages, 2004


Strangers to Ourselves, by Timothy D. Wilson, explores how ideas of the unconscious mind were formed by Freudian and Behaviorist branches of psychology and how they are changing in the 21st century. In this book, Wilson argues that our unconscious minds are much more capable of driving our behavior than we previously imagined. 

The UX designer, marketer, or entrepreneur who reads this book will learn some invaluable insights into human psychology — a component to be attentive to when crafting user experiences.

Unconscious Mind Power

In 'Strangers to Ourselves', Timothy D. Wilson explores the power of the unconscious mind. He suggests that our unconscious mind is more in control of our actions and decisions than we might think. It's like a hidden force guiding us, and we often don't even realize it.

The Importance of Self-Knowledge

Wilson emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge. He believes that understanding our unconscious mind can help us make better decisions and improve our lives. So, take a look into your own mind, you might find some surprising insights.

The Limitations of Introspection

The book also discusses the limitations of introspection. Wilson argues that we can't fully understand our unconscious mind just by thinking about it. We need to research and explore our behaviors and reactions to truly understand ourselves.

The Role of Adaptation

Wilson digs into the role of adaptation in our lives. He suggests that our unconscious mind helps us adapt to new situations without us even realizing it. It's like a built-in survival mechanism that we all have.

The Power of Unconscious Learning

In 'Strangers to Ourselves', you'll also see how we learn things unconsciously. Wilson shows that we pick up new skills and knowledge without even trying. It's a fascinating look into how our minds work.


authorMalcolm Gladwell, journalist and scientist and author, Recommending BestBooks

Malcolm Gladwell

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