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Some Trick
208 pages, 2019
Helen DeWitt's works, which include novels and short stories, are marked by an irreverent sense of humor and a playful, provocative intelligence.
n her stories, characters often find themselves in situations that spiral out to their utmost logical extremes, where things prove "more complicated than they had first appeared" and "at 3 a.m. the circumstances seem to attenuate."
However, DeWitt's protagonists are usually able to make some kind of sense out of their lives—if only temporarily—by the end of the story.
In Some Trick, Helen DeWitt explores the often uncomfortable intersection of art and commerce. She shows us that the pursuit of creative freedom often clashes with the demands of the market. This is a great read if you're interested in the struggles artists face in a commercial world.
DeWitt takes us on a journey into the minds of geniuses in her book. She shows us that being a genius is not always a blessing, but can also be a curse. It's a fascinating look into the complexities and challenges that come with exceptional intelligence.
Some Trick is a testament to the power of persistence. DeWitt's characters face numerous obstacles, but they never give up. This book will inspire you to keep going, no matter what challenges you face.
In her book, DeWitt paints a vivid picture of the struggles artists face in their quest for recognition and success. She shows us that the path to success is often fraught with difficulties and disappointments. If you're an artist or creative, you'll find this book both relatable and inspiring.
Some Trick also delves into the intricacies of human relationships. DeWitt explores how our relationships with others can shape our lives and influence our decisions. It's a great book if you're interested in understanding the complexities of human interactions.