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Solve for Happy

368 pages, 2019

Mo Gawdat is a remarkable thinker and the Chief Business Officer at Google’s X. Applying his superior skills of logic and problem-solving to the issue of happiness, he proposes an algorithm based on an understanding of how the brain takes in and processes joy and sadness. Then he solves for happy. In 2001 Mo Gawdat realized that despite his incredible success, he was desperately unhappy. A lifelong learner, he attacked the problem as an engineer would: examining all the provable facts and scrupulously applying logic. Eventually, his countless hours of research and science proved successful, and he discovered the equation for permanent happiness. Thirteen years later, Mo’s algorithm would be put to the ultimate test when his son Ali was diagnosed with cancer.
Happiness is a Choice

In Solve for Happy, Mo Gawdat explains that happiness isn't something that just happens to you, it's a choice. He encourages readers to take control of their own happiness by changing their perspective and choosing to be happy, regardless of their circumstances.

The Happiness Equation

Gawdat introduces a unique concept in his book - the happiness equation. He suggests that happiness is equal to or greater than the difference between the way you see the events of your life and your expectations of how life should behave. So, if you want to be happy, you need to manage your expectations and perceptions.

The Role of Thoughts

The author emphasizes the role of thoughts in our happiness. He suggests that we often believe the thoughts that come into our minds without questioning them. But to be truly happy, we need to challenge these thoughts and not let them control us.

The Six Grand Illusions

Gawdat identifies six grand illusions that cause unhappiness - thought, self, knowledge, time, control, and fear. He encourages readers to explore these illusions and understand how they are affecting their happiness. By doing this, they can start to break free from these illusions and find true happiness.

The Power of Now

In Solve for Happy, the author stresses the importance of living in the present moment. He explains that dwelling on the past or worrying about the future can lead to unhappiness. Instead, he encourages readers to focus on the now, as this is the only moment we truly have control over.


Peter Attia, educator and entrepreneur and scientist, Recommending BestBooks

Peter Attia
