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272 pages, 2017
Sharing is valued in today's society more than ever before. We have developed an environment of compulsive connection, which is fueled by our reliance on mobile devices and social media. Many of us today live weirdly crowded, isolated lives; our connections are always there, but they are just tenuous.
One of life's subtlest abilities is the ability to truly be alone. We have access to real solitude, which is a potent resource and a necessary component of a healthy inner life. It encourages introspection, fosters creativity, and, unexpectedly, strengthens our bonds with both ourselves and others.
In truth, idle hands are capable of remarkable things. We have forgotten the benefits of silence and underestimated how profoundly it may transform our lives in our pursuit of greater, quicker lives. The subject of this book is locating stillness.
In his book Solitude, Michael Harris explores the importance of spending time alone. He suggests that solitude can lead to self-discovery, creativity, and personal growth. So, if you're always surrounded by people and noise, it might be time to find some quiet time for yourself.
Harris digs into how technology has changed our relationship with solitude. With smartphones and social media, we're never truly alone, and this constant connectivity can be overwhelming. The book encourages us to take a break from our screens and experience the benefits of solitude.
Harris makes a clear distinction between solitude and loneliness. While loneliness is a negative state of feeling alone and unwanted, solitude is a positive and enriching experience of being alone by choice. This book will help you see the value in choosing to spend time alone.
In Solitude, Harris teaches us how to be alone without feeling lonely. He provides practical tips and strategies for embracing solitude and using it as a tool for self-improvement. If you've ever struggled with being alone, this book is a must-read.
While promoting the benefits of solitude, Harris also acknowledges the importance of social interactions. He suggests finding a balance between spending time alone and with others. This book will help you strike that balance and improve your overall well-being.