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So Good They Can't Ignore You

304 pages, 2016


Cal Newport's manifesto challenges conventional wisdom by arguing that it is a person's skill and talent--and not their passion--that determines their career path. 

A direct quote from comedian Steve Martin, who once explained why he was successful in his career by writing "because I'm so good at what I do," inspired Newport to write this book. 

Newport believes that too often we look for our passions rather than developing the skills that can lead us to success, and he contends that Steve Jobs's famous commencement speech at Stanford University, in which Jobs urges idealistic grads to chase their dreams, is misguided advice.

Passion is Overrated

In 'So Good They Can't Ignore You', Cal Newport challenges the common advice to 'follow your passion'. He argues that passion comes after you've put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. So, instead of dreaming about what you love, focus on mastering a skill that's in demand.

Craftsman Mindset

Newport introduces the concept of the 'Craftsman Mindset'. This is all about focusing on what value you're producing in your job, rather than what value your job offers you. It's about becoming so good in your field that people can't ignore you. So, take a look at your skills and see how you can improve them.

Career Capital

The author emphasizes the importance of accumulating 'Career Capital'. This refers to the skills, competencies, and abilities you acquire over time. The more career capital you have, the greater control you have over your career. So, start investing in your career capital today.

Control Trap

Newport warns about the 'Control Trap'. This is when you seek more control over your work too soon, without having enough career capital. This can lead to job hopping and career dissatisfaction. So, be patient and build your career capital before making big career moves.

Mission Mindset

Finally, Newport encourages adopting a 'Mission Mindset'. This means having a clear goal that guides your career decisions. It's not about finding the perfect job, but about creating it. So, find a mission for your work and let it guide you to become so good they can't ignore you.

Quotes 5

Cal Newport's 'So Good They Can't Ignore You' is a game-changer, a book that will transform the way you think about your career and your life.

Daniel PinkDaniel Pink - Bestselling Author

This book is so important. It has changed my thinking about work and life. Everyone should read it.

Derek SiversDerek Sivers - Entrepreneur, Author

Cal Newport's book, 'So Good They Can't Ignore You', is a profound and insightful guide. It's a must-read for anyone feeling stuck in their career.

Ryan HolidayRyan Holiday - Media Strategist

'So Good They Can't Ignore You' is a brilliant book that challenges the conventional wisdom about passion and work. It's a must-read.

Seth GodinSeth Godin - Marketing Guru

Cal Newport's 'So Good They Can't Ignore You' is a compelling argument against following your passion, and instead, cultivating it. It's a must-read for anyone looking to make a mark.

James ClearJames Clear - Productivity Expert
Daniel PinkDerek SiversRyan HolidaySeth GodinJames Clear


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