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104 pages, 2017
Byung-Chul Han introduces us to the concept of Shanzhai, a Chinese term that originally referred to counterfeit goods but has evolved to represent an innovative, disruptive form of production and creativity. It's a fascinating look into a different way of thinking about innovation and creativity.
Han explores the idea that imitation can be a powerful tool for innovation. He argues that Shanzhai is not just about copying, but about improving and adapting. This challenges our Western notion that innovation must always be original.
The book provides a deep insight into the cultural differences between the East and the West when it comes to innovation. Han shows how Shanzhai is a reflection of Chinese culture, where copying is seen as a form of respect and a starting point for improvement.
Han also discusses the role of Shanzhai in the global economy. He suggests that this form of innovation could be a game-changer, challenging the dominance of Western corporations and offering a new model for economic growth and development.
Finally, the book encourages us to rethink our understanding of intellectual property. Han argues that the Shanzhai approach, which values adaptation and improvement over originality, could lead to a more collaborative and inclusive form of innovation.