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Shakti Leadership

224 pages, 2016

Too many people, men, and women alike, have bought into a notion of leadership that emphasizes hierarchical, militaristic, win-at-all-costs characteristics. The result has been corruption, environmental degradation, social breakdown, stress, and depression. Nilima Bhat and Raj Sisodia show us a more balanced way. Their book, Leadership the Indian Way: A Yogi's Guide to Transformational Growth, is full of exercises and inspirational examples that inspire leaders to access their infinite energy and lead with their whole self.
Embrace Feminine and Masculine Leadership Qualities

Nilima Bhat emphasizes the importance of balancing both feminine and masculine leadership traits. She suggests that leaders should not only be assertive and decisive (masculine traits) but also nurturing and empathetic (feminine traits). This balance can lead to a more holistic and effective leadership style.

The Power of Conscious Leadership

In Shakti Leadership, Bhat explores the concept of conscious leadership. This means being aware of your actions, decisions, and their impact on others. Conscious leaders are mindful of their environment and strive to make decisions that benefit everyone involved.

Importance of Self-Discovery

Bhat encourages readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery. She believes that understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and values is crucial for effective leadership. So, take some time to dig into your inner self and find out what truly drives you.

The Role of Spirituality in Leadership

The book also delves into the role of spirituality in leadership. Bhat argues that spiritual practices like meditation can help leaders stay grounded, make better decisions, and connect more deeply with their teams. So, don't shy away from exploring this aspect of leadership.

Creating a Culture of Trust

Lastly, Bhat highlights the importance of creating a culture of trust within your team or organization. She suggests that leaders should be transparent, reliable, and respectful to foster trust. This can lead to a more collaborative and productive work environment.

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Shakti Leadership brilliantly highlights the importance of integrating both masculine and feminine qualities for effective leadership.

Ken WilberKen Wilber - Philosopher, Writer

Shakti Leadership offers a comprehensive map to becoming the kind of leader our world needs now.

John MackeyJohn Mackey - Whole Foods CEO

Shakti Leadership is a groundbreaking book that redefines leadership in a way that is more fitting for the 21st century.

Raj SisodiaRaj Sisodia - Conscious Capitalism
Ken WilberJohn MackeyRaj Sisodia


authorGwyneth Paltrow, actor and entrepreneur and author, Recommending BestBooks

Gwyneth Paltrow
