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Sex in the Future

320 pages, 2001


In the twenty-first century, advances in reproductive technology will have a significant impact on human behavior and relationships.

The Evolution of Sex

Robin Baker takes us on a journey through the evolution of sex. He explores how technology and science are changing the way we understand and experience sex. It's a fascinating look into the future of human reproduction and sexuality.

The Role of Technology in Sex

Baker digs into the role of technology in the future of sex. From virtual reality to genetic engineering, he shows how these advancements could change our sexual experiences and relationships. It's a must-read for anyone curious about the intersection of technology and sexuality.

Genetic Engineering and Reproduction

In 'Sex in the Future', Baker researches the impact of genetic engineering on human reproduction. He discusses the potential for designer babies, and the ethical implications of such advancements. It's a thought-provoking look into the potential future of human reproduction.

The Future of Relationships

Baker also explores the future of relationships in his book. He suggests that as technology advances, traditional relationships may become less common. Instead, we might see more diverse and fluid forms of relationships. It's a fascinating look into what the future could hold for human connections.

Ethical Implications

One of the key takeaways from 'Sex in the Future' is the ethical implications of these advancements. Baker encourages readers to consider the potential consequences of these changes. It's a call to action for readers to think critically about the future of sex and relationships.