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Seven Brief Lessons on Physics

96 pages, 2016

A New York Times bestseller, Carlo Rovelli's “Seven Brief Lessons in Physics” is a playful, entertaining, and mind-bending introduction to modern physics. Rovelli takes us to the frontiers of our knowledge: to the most minute reaches of the fabric of space, back to the origins of the cosmos, and into the workings of our minds.
Understanding the Universe

Carlo Rovelli takes us on a journey to explore the universe in a way that's easy to understand. He breaks down complex physics concepts into digestible lessons. You'll find yourself understanding things like general relativity and quantum mechanics without needing a PhD in Physics.

The Beauty of Uncertainty

Rovelli teaches us that uncertainty is not something to fear, but rather, it's a fundamental part of our universe. He explains how quantum mechanics is based on probabilities and uncertainties, and that's what makes it so fascinating. So, next time you're unsure about something, remember that even the universe is uncertain!

Time is Relative

Ever felt like time is flying by or dragging on? Well, according to Rovelli, time is not as straightforward as it seems. He explains Einstein's theory of relativity and how time can actually be different depending on where you are and how fast you're moving. It's a mind-bending concept that will make you see time in a whole new light.

The Mystery of Black Holes

Black holes are one of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe. Rovelli takes us on a journey to explore these fascinating objects. He explains how they're formed, what happens inside them, and why they're important in our understanding of the universe. You'll be left in awe of the mysteries that still remain in our universe.

The Human Connection to Physics

Physics isn't just about particles and forces, it's also about us. Rovelli shows how we're all connected to the universe and its laws. He explains how our understanding of physics shapes our view of reality and our place in the universe. It's a reminder that we're all part of this vast, beautiful universe.

Quotes 4

A thought-provoking, delightfully lucid guide to the mysteries of the universe.

Bill GatesBill Gates - Microsoft Co-founder

The man who makes physics sexy...the new Hawking... His writing is luminous.

Lee SmolinLee Smolin - Theoretical Physicist

The perfect antidote to the daunts of quantum theory.

Neil deGrasse TysonNeil deGrasse Tyson - Astrophysicist

A global superstar... Rovelli is making the grammar of the universe accessible to a new generation.

Tim RadfordTim Radford - Science Journalist
Bill GatesLee SmolinNeil deGrasse TysonTim Radford


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